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QR-Patrol System
QR-Patrol system incorporates a mobile application for security guards and a web application ideal for security managers and clients to manage remotely guards and patrols.
QR-Patrol Guard Mobile Application
What is the main objective of any guard tour and how a security guard is going to come up with it?
A security guard can meet expectations by accomplishing three basic tasks: Scan checkpoints according to a predefined schedule, communicate constantly with the Alarm Monitoring Center and getting overall control over the assets he is patrolling.
QR-Patrol guard mobile application is a unique tool available on his smartphone which helps the security guard to automate his daily work, gain confidence, ensure security status via pressing buttons on his smartphone screen and save time.

QR-Patrol web application
In order to manage patrols efficiently, assign checkpoints to client’s sites, monitor guard’s activities and organize schedules and routes, QR-Patrol web application is your best choice. Several levels of user role management, detailed and advanced filtered reports with export options, schedule automation, checkpoints management and sites administrations are some of the core features of QR-Patrol web application.
Test it now for free in full functionality mode!

Key Features

– NFC / QR codes / Beacons
NFC tags, QR codes, Beacons or Virtual checkpoints placed on buildings and territories and send immediate alerts and reports
– Incident Report
Monitor incidents in real-time by gathering multimedia data (image, voice, detailed notes) with signature fields
– Guard Tour Monitoring
Monitor your guards and manage your workflow in an efficient way, automating all internal work process.
– Guard’s Schedules
Create guards’ schedule templates and follow specific scheduling during the whole patrol monitoring activities
– Timekeeping
Automatic record of check in and check out in real-time giving the ability to track working hours and control budget
In Sammury
QR-Patrol is a Real Time guard monitoring system which skyrockets the efficiency of security companies and offers them the ability to upgrade their services via technology. In brief, QR-Patrol incorporates all the basic features of a smart guard tour system solution:
- Create and connect sites with checkpoints
- Receive SOS alerts and take immediate action
- Get e-mail notifications for missed checkpoints
- Send incidents reports to your clients or to the Monitoring Center
- Manage patrols remotely in real-time
- Verify guard tours online and check missed patrols

Lone Worker Monitoring System
A lone worker (LW) is an employee who performs an action that is carried out remotely from other employees without close or immediate supervision. This kind of staff members may be exposed to risk because there is no-one to support them.
Lone Worker is used to describe someone who is alone in any place as part of his work. But when exactly a person is regarded to be alone at work? And how much time should he pass alone at work in order to consider him a
Types of Lone workers

Being completely on their own

Cannot be seen or heard by others

Cannot expect visit for another workers for a specific time interval
Manage & Protect your Lone Workers wherever they are

QR-Patrol system can be used as an excellent Lone Working solution. The system is relying on advanced mobile technology and cloud infrastructure. QR-codes or NFC tags are placed on certain areas in the protected territories and when an officer scans QR-codes or NFC tags with his smartphone, an immediate event is sent to the managing staff via a cloud server. The events vary from test, simple scan and SOS alarms to multimedia events, such as sound recordings and images. In this way, the Alarm Monitoring Center gets notified in real-time about officers’ activities and the current situation of the protected areas.
In case of Lone Workers, the major threat to cope with is being ready to face an unexpected threat like the risks mentioned above (slip, physical abuse, illness, accident, etc.) The necessity of a strict Lone Worker policy imposes the use a Lone Worker monitoring system that will facilitate the communication between Lone Workers and managing staff of the company / organization. QR-Patrol system meets this demand by means of real-time messaging and alerting via direct SOS button on the application interface.
However, what if the threat is direct and there is no time to launch the application? Here is when beacon technology is necessary and offers a crucial solution. The Lone Workers can carry a simple beacon device which incorporates a panic button. So, in case of a threat, the employee can immediately press the panic button and send a real-time SOS message to the support team.
QR-Patrol has already incorporated advanced beacon technology! And there is more! You can now use MyLoneWorkers system, a lone working monitoring solution dedicated to assist Lone Workers and Lone Workers managers!
When an emergency occurs in a workplace, Lone Worker will not been seen by any of his colleagues as he has to deal with being totally alone.
A lone worker monitoring system can protect him and get the stress out by helping him in case of a threat and dissipating the feel of being unprotected and exposed.
An integrated Lone Working monitoring system can provide safety and confidence for any work environment or occupation.
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